Organización de Productores de Pesca del Puerto y Ría de Marín (OPROMAR) is an organisation that brings together a total of 35 fishing companies that group ships of the following modalities: trawlers, longliners and purse seiners. Among the aims of OPROMAR are to support and promote all those actions aimed at improving fishing activity, with special emphasis on sustainability and long-term viability, in order to generate social and economic benefits.
Producers Organizations
The Organización de Palangreros Guardeses (Organisation of longliners of La Guardia—OPP-49) was established in A Guarda (Pontevedra), on March 15th, 1996, in order to regulate, develop and promote the fishing activity of longline vessels, both fresh and freezers, and to defend the interests of the members of this organisation, being able to adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the rational exercise of the fishing and improve the sale conditions of its members’ production. OR.PA.GU. has ships present in all oceans and seas, with fishing units in the Pacific, Indian, North Atlantic and South Atlantic oceans, having been recognised in 2016 with the transnational scope by combining Spanish and Portuguese fleet.
The Organización de Productores del Puerto de Celeiro(Organisation of Fisheries Producers of Celeiro -OPP77). Since its foundation in 1994, its trajectory has been characterized by its commitment to sustainability and competitiveness of its members in all its aspects, reaching its peak in 2014 with its recognition as a Producer Organization. Today, they form a business group with an aggregate turnover of around € 100 million, providing their fleets with all the services that allow them to lead fishing production in the Mariña lucense. Its star product, the hake which is caught one by one with hook. The award “Alimentos de España 2017” is yet another milestone that has recognized its trajectory and commitment to the future. They are proud to provide all their production of hake from longlines certified by ‘Friend of the Sea’ and they are decidedly betting on transparency after having incorporated the technology ‘blockchain’ with Carrefour to the landings in port.
La Organización de Productores Pesqueros de Lugo (OPP-07) es una de las primeras OPPs que se constituyeron en España en 1986 con motivo de la entrada en la Comunidad Económica Europea (CEE) y para la correcta implementación de las Políticas Comunes de Pesca (PCP) en nuestras flotas. Han pasado más de 30 años desde entonces y Lugo es hoy un ejemplo excepcional de la evolución y modernización experimentada en el sector pesquero, un sector estratégico en la economía de Galicia. Actualmente está formada por embarcaciones de 4 modalidades de flota: palangre de superficie, palangre de fondo, arrastre de fondo y cerco.
La Organización de Productores de Mejillón de Galicia (OPP-18) es la primera y única Organización de Productores de mejillón de la UE. Desde su fundación en 1986, OPMEGA aglutina a productores de todas las rías gallegas, donde se aúnan esfuerzos y se trabaja en la mejora y defensa de los intereses de sus productores y de su mejillón de Galicia, siendo la organización más representativa el sector mejillonero. Está presente en todos los foros, autonómicos,nacionales e internacionales, donde se debatan y se tenga que defender y publicitar los intereses del sector. Actualmente está integrada por 747 bateas y alrededor de un millar de socios productores agrupados en 11 delegaciones distribuidas en las rías de Muros, Noia, Arousa, Pontevedra y Vigo.
The Organización de Productores de Pesca de Altura de Ondárroa (Organisation of Deep-sea Fisheries Producers of Ondárroa ― OPP-52) is, since 1994, a union born of the need to face the challenges and the necessary measures to achieve greater sustainability of the fishing activity, to improve the sale of catches conditions (generating social and economic benefits), and to correctly implement the Common Fisheries Policy on vessels. Currently OPPAO is composed of 19 members, 26 ships and 350 vessels.
The Organización de Productores Pesqueros ANACEF (Organization of Fisheries Producers ― OPP43) fleet, which operates from Las Palmas (Canary Islands), consists of 16 freezer trawlers, mainly for cephalopods, and some bottom trawlers, which develop their fisheries in West Africa, specifically in the waters of Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Angola and Guinea Bissau.
The Organización de Productores Pesquerosde Almadraba(Organisation of Fisheries Producers of Almadraba ―OPP-51) aims to guarantee the rational and sustainable exercise of fishing in Almadraba style, as well as to enforce Community Regulation No. 2371/2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under of the Common Fisheries Policy. The tuna caught in the Atlantic coasts of Cádiz has extraordinary and unique characteristics. The OPP-51 has worked to recognise this uniqueness, achieving in 2005 the creation of the Certified Quality Label “Atún Salvaje de Almadraba del Sur de España”(A.S.A.S.E. ― “Wild Almadraba Tuna from the South of Spain”).
The Organización de Productores Pesqueros de Carboneras(Organisation of Fisheries Producers of Carboneras ―OPP-66), is mainly dedicated to the catch of Mediterranean swordfish and Bluefin tuna in the surface longline modality. With the aim of improving the fishing activity of its members, it supports and encourages all those actions that help achieve the objectives of environmental sustainability, economic viability of the farms and social benefits. CARBOPESCA has created the quality label “Pez Espada del Mediterráneo” (Mediterranean swordfish) to distinguish the quality and freshness of the product, as well as its traceability.
The Organización de Productores Pesqueros Artesanales de la Lonja de Conil (Organisation of Artisan Fisheries Producers of Conil Fish Market ―OPP-72), is formed by owners of the port of Conil, who, joining forces, have created the label « Pescado de Conil » (Fish of Conil), and make it known. Among its objectives is to work towards sustainable fishing, publicise its fish, improve traceability and quality systems, innovate and adapt its fleet to the new times, as well as defend the interests of fishermen.
The Organización de Productores Armadores Punta del Moral (Organisation of Shipowners and Producers of Punta del Moral ―OPP-80) has been fishing traditionally for many generations. The fleet that composes it captures numerous species, but certainly crustaceans and seafood are the most important products, highlighting the white prawn of Huelva for its unsurpassable gastronomic qualities. The “Lonja de Ayamonte” label (Ayamonte Fish market) guarantees freshness and traceability: Huelva fish and seafood arrive at any point in Spain from the fish market directly to the home.
The Organización de Productores Pesqueros de Tarifa(Organisation of Fisheries Producers of Tarifa ―OPP-78) is composed of a fleet of fairly homogeneous characteristics, mostly with a license of minor arts, integrating the entire fleet of the port of Tarifa. This fleet is mainly dedicated to artisan fishing with hook of the voraz or La Pinta bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) in the area of the Strait of Gibraltar. This fishery alternates with the fishing of bluefin tuna, done by some vessels of reeds and authorised hand lines.
Public Administrations
Marine Instruments is a Spanish company dedicated to the design and manufacture of electronic equipment mainly for the fishing sector. Since its beginnings in 2003, it has experienced constant growth, positioning itself, in less than a decade, as the first manufacturer of tuna satellite buoys worldwide, with a presence in more than 25 countries.
Murimar is the Mutua de Riesgo Marítimo (Maritime Risk Mutual Fund), a former insurer attached to the public organisation of the Instituto Social de la Marina (Navy Social Institute), which left that protection scope in the 80s becoming one more within the competitive Spanish insurance world and taking advantage of a specialisation and experience that in 2018 has served 90 years of protection for its members.
Abanca. At ABANCA we are very proud of our roots. We have always supported the work and effort of a fundamental area of our economy. Thanks to this experience, we are the reference entity for the fishing and canning sector. And now, with ABANCA Mar, we reinforce our commitment with financial products specially designed for the needs of your segment, Shipyards and Auxiliary Industry, Shipowners, Marketers, Conservers, Transformers and Aquaculture. And with specialised advice at your nearest office.
Satlink is a leader in the sector of telecommunications via satellite by land, sea and air. The company has agreements with the main satellite networks, such as Inmarsat, Thuraya and Iridium, which allow it to provide global coverage in the transmission of voice and data to any type of user, whether at sea, on land or in aircraft. Thanks to this, Satlink’s client portfolio covers wide sectors of activity, highlighting maritime, and specifically the fishing industry, in which it has a leading position.
Datafish works on the observation and collection of scientific information on board fishing vessels, as well as on the interpretation of these results, the preparation of reports and the formulation of proposals for the improvement of the fishery. Our services include physical observation through the boarding of observers and observation through the electronic eye. We collaborate with different Fishery Producer Organizations to cover scientific observation.
The coop society ARMON was set up in 1963 and gave way, in 1974, to the Limited Company Astilleros ARMON S.A. Today ARMON represents the united force of 6 companies with more than 800 ships built in service throughout all the world’s seas and oceans. The vessel’s design, calculating and development tasks are performed by the Design teams located in NAVIA, VIGO and GIJON. AUX NAVAL and BURELA have design departments coordinated to solve the on site fine tuning engineering of each ship.
Technical Coordination
Inxenia is the innovation consultancy responsible for the technical coordination of this congress. We offer a personalised and differentiated consulting service, with more than 10 years advising companies from different sectors, generating innovative ideas and disruptive solutions to the problems that arise. In Inxenia we listen to our customers, we make their problems and demands our own ones, looking for solutions that allow them to advance in their business. We believe that PROACTIVITY, COMMITMENT and CREATIVITY are some of the qualities that best define us.