The Organisations of Fisheries and Aquaculture Producers (OPPs—Organizaciones de Productores Pesqueros y Acuícolas) have taken the lead of their future and the future of the fleets they represent over the last years.
Through their Production and Commercialisation Plans they have been directly involved in the innovation of the fishing sector, covering all the environmental, economic and social sustainability objectives provided in European Regulation No. 1379/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, establishing the common organisation of the markets in the fishery and aquaculture products sector.
Being in full ACTION (“acción”), they intend to make the most of the possibilities of improving their activity that are offered by the European Union. After sharing the problems that each of them faces on their path towards excellence, OPROMAR has decided to lead the 1st International Congress of OPPs with the motto #OPPsEnACCIÓN.

The Congress is aimed at members of Producer Organisations that want to respond to issues related to the topics that will be discussed, as well as to Public Administrations and other stakeholders in the sector who wish to update their knowledge on fisheries and aquaculture and opportunities for innovation in the European Union.
The presentations will show the purposes that an OPP must pursue, how it is created and what financing opportunities exist.

They will also deal with the objectives and basic contents of a Production and Marketing Plan, at the same time that successful actions are presented based on those already carried out by European OPPs.
Technicians with acknowledged expertise will guide the attendants through the world of performance and result indicators that should measure the success of the Production and Marketing Plan.
And naturally, gates to a promising future will be opened to attain an innovative sector based on environmentally friendly technologies that adds value to resources extracted from healthy oceans, and continues to generate quality employment and highly nutritious food products. For the technical development of the Congress, experts of recognised prestige will be summoned in each of the topics identified as of interest to the OPPs.
The professional meeting where we will answer your questions about how to successfully manage an OPP.